Should You Hire a Professional Flooring Contractor

flooring construction services in baltimoreHome renovations are an interesting project to take up, especially if you have adequate time and the correct tools at hand. Having said that, some projects need more expertise than others. Today, we’re going to talk specifically about the project of house flooring, be it renovation or building it anew.

An important thing to know is that installing flooring materials needs particular tools, equipment, and physical capability. So, how do you gauge if you can do your house’s flooring by yourself, or if you will need a professional flooring contractor to do the job?

Questions to Ask Before Taking Up DIY Flooring

1. How much experience with flooring do you have?

The first step is to gauge if you are skilled enough to plan this project, operate the necessary tools, and complete the task to perfection. After all, nobody wants a flooring that is compromised, bumpy, or uncomfortable to walk on.


When it comes to tools, see if you have worked with tools such as nail guns, power saws, and sanders in the past. Since many of these tools are dangerous to use, you must be confident about handling them. Next, analyze whether the home DIY tasks you have taken up in the past were difficult or really simple. For example, experience in fixing a shelf here or nailing a frame there cannot provide you enough acumen as a flooring installation company.


However, if you are satisfied with your past projects, and they match the scale of professional flooring installation services, you can give DIY a try.

2. Is your flooring project complicated or simple?

The way to measure the difficulty level of a flooring project is by looking at the flooring material you are choosing. For example, it is comparatively easy to work with hardwood floorboards and stone plastic composite floors. This is because they can be worked over uneven subfloors and don’t need much perfection. At the same time, materials like hardwood and laminate need a perfectly even subfloor to begin with.


Also consider the shape and size of your room. If you’re working with a small room which is plain square, you can complete its flooring with some prior experience and understanding of the materials, process, etc. However, if you’re looking at a large room with an irregular shape, and wish to use a specific material for its flooring, it is best to hire a flooring installation company.

3. What do you plan to do with your old flooring material?

Renovating your floor means that you will have to dispose of the old flooring materials that you take out and replace with new ones. Disposing the old material can prove challenging if you do not have a professional flooring contractor to help you with it.


Transporting the scraps to the landfill involves renting a pickup truck/trailer and dumping fees, which can cost a ball if you are renovating large rooms or the whole house. Another alternative is to burn the material, but for that, you may need a state permit. And if the material you are burning has toxins (such as aluminum oxide coatings), you may be fined for burning the same.


Next, let’s discuss just how helpful professional flooring installation services can be.

flooring company in Baltimore

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Flooring Installation Company

1. Access to latest equipment and tools

Flooring jobs usually require advanced tools and equipment for the best results. If you set out to buy these high-tech tools, they may end up costing more than the entire project. Professional flooring installation services are inclusive of the latest machinery to ensure that the installation process is done in a time, cost, and material-efficient manner.

2. Safety and speed

Home renovation do-it-yourself projects have a reputation of being dangerous and rightfully so. The materials and tools used can easily cause injuries that would need severe medical attention. And if you try to be extra careful with the process, it will likely cost you a lot of your time. So, unless you are extremely passionate about flooring installations, you should hire a flooring contractor for good.

3. Experience and knowledge

Selecting building materials is a tricky task. With the variety you receive in colors, materials, and finishes these days, it is easy to get confused as to which combination goes best in your house. If you end up choosing the wrong material, it might lead to inconvenience in floor usage, or worse, a rework on the entire job.

Hire Professional Flooring Contractors

If you’re confused whether you should be doing the flooring project on your own, it is best to consult with an expert and understand the project well. We are a flooring installation company with a team of experienced professional flooring contractors. After a complete assessment of your house, we can help you with professional recommendations, best-in-class services, and top quality flooring installations.

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Based in Baltimore, MD, Marshall Cruz Construction is a quality, professional construction company serving Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia. Whether you’re a company manager in need of new renovations at your business or you’re a project manager completing residential home renovations, we have a crew to help.